domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Environmental care to the technological impact - I=PAT

I = PAT is the lettering of a formula put forward to describe the impact of human activity on the environment.
I = P × A × T
In words:
Human Impact (I) on the environment equals the product of P= Population, A= Affluence, T= Technology. This describes how our growing population, affluence, and technology contribute toward our environmental impact, but in this part im going to explain only the technologocal impact on the enviroment.
The T variable in the I=PAT equation represents how resource intensive the production of affluence is; how much environmental impact is involved in creating, transporting and disposing of the goods, services and amenities used. Improvements in efficiency can reduce resource intensiveness, reducing the T multiplier. Since technology can affect environmental impact in many different ways, the unit for T is often tailored for the situation I=PAT is being applied to.
Enviromental impact:
Increases in efficiency can reduce overall environmental impact. However, with P increasing exponentially, T would have to decrease drastically (doubling efficiency each time the population doubles) just to maintain the same impact with the same affluence. Over the last few years, data from the World bank has shown that T has decreased and that it is likely to continue to do so in the future. .

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